Leak Detection

To detect hidden leaks, often times the trained eye of a plumber is required. Let Van Rooy Plumbing’s team of experts save you money on utility bills and reduce the gallons of water wasted. Leaks may occur in older or newer properties. Unexpected pipe damage can happen due to corrosion, poor construction, or ground movement. If it goes unfixed, the problem grows and endangers your property, as well as makes your future repairs more costly.

Thankfully, we have a team of skilled plumbers that will keep a leak disaster from happening. We take a proactive approach to leak detection in your plumbing system and work to restore your pipes to flawless conditions. Whether it’s a commercial property or residential dwelling, we are capable of using high accuracy to find your underground leaks.

The faster we can identify a leak, the more money and property damage we can save you. Mold typically grows in an environment where water and humidity is present. If you get a leak, water may be present around drywall, wood, and any other organic material. We will help you prevent future leaks that can result in secondary damage like mold.

No matter how big or small your needs, our trained technicians are prepared to help. Give us a call at (928) 855-3243.